Our Code of Ethics
We owe it to our customers, to our shareholders and to each other to always uphold the highest standards of ethics and business conduct.
A word from our Chief Executive Officer
At Bombardier, we are all incredibly proud to design, build and service the world’s most innovative, efficient and peak-performing business aircraft. We set the very highest standards for our industry as we shape the future of aviation.
Our behaviours and our choices in our day-to-day work also define us. As Bombardier team members, we set ourselves apart by the way we interact with our stakeholders. We’re recognized and appreciated for our passion and our family-like approach. We must also ensure that our interactions and decisions are always in accordance with the highest ethical principles.
This Code of Ethics (“the Code”) is a guide to help us make the right choices as proud members of the Bombardier team. It’s also a tool to assist you when faced with a dilemma or a question about how to proceed in various situations. And in addition to the Code, your local Ethics and Compliance ambassadors, the rest of the Ethics and Compliance Team and your leaders are available to help you.
Our accomplishments and our reputation depend on each of us acting in accordance with the Code every day.
Thank you for your vigilance, and let’s continue to be transparent and authentic at every level and in everything we do.
Éric Martel
President & CEO
Who must follow the Code?
Our Code of Ethics which sets the global standards for our business and activities, applies to all members of the Bombardier community, including the Board of Directors, management and employees at every level, in every country and from every Bombardier legal entity (including joint ventures where Bombardier has a majority/ controlling interest).
Management and employees are also expected to comply at all times with all Bombardier policies, directives and procedures. Bombardier suppliers, service providers and consultants are expected to adhere to Bombardier’s Supplier Code of Conduct when dealing with or acting on behalf of Bombardier.
How is the Code governed?
Bombardier’s Ethics and Compliance office has implemented a governance structure to ensure that the principles of this Code are observed, promoted and managed effectively throughout the organization. The Ethics and Compliance Office oversees Bombardier’s efforts to promote an ethical work environment and business practices of the highest ethical standards.
All Bombardier employees holding managerial positions have a responsibility to ensure that the Code is actively distributed, understood and followed within their teams.